
Marina Village is a photographer’s delight where water fowl, birds and all kinds of wildlife are plentiful.  Put out bird seed, sunflowers or corn and they will come right to your campsite where you can relax and snap those award winning photos from your comfy chair. 

Water Fowl

A large group of American White Pelicans can be seen perched on the shoreline or flying in flocks across the lake early in the evening.  Water fowl such a ducks, blue herron, cranes and from time to time pink spoon bills can be seen alongside the shore searching for food or gliding across the lake.  MVR maintains a couple of unmowed to encourage our wildlife to stay and enjoy the park.


Bird lovers will absolutely LOVE Marina Village.  Westwood Shores is designated as a Blue Bird Sanctuary, but many other species can also be found in abundance throughout the park.  One of the favorites is the Bald Eagle often sited perched in the tree across from the Access Control Gate.  In the Spring of 2017 members were excited to see a baby Eagle had joined the family.  Woodpeckers, Blue Jays, Redbirds, Owls, and MANY other birds are spotted throughout the year.  You will want to be sure to bring your binoculars and see how many species you can name.


There are large herds of deer visiting the park early each morning and later in the afternoon/early evening.  In the spring you will often see baby deer laying in the grass or grazing with their herd.  Although they move away if you get too close it is an opportunity to see these beautiful animals in their natural habitat.  If you have camped here, you know that at night all sorts of exotic animals roam around the resort.